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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Power of Positive Mental Attitude Books

Do you wonder what it means PMA, its nothing but Positive Mental Attitude. Out of 100 only 5 to 10 people has the habbit of reading. Among 10 may be 1 or 2 has the habbit of read positive attitude books. Its important that each and every individual should read books. There is a reason for that. Let me explain.

A person once finishes college and enters job thinks that there is no more to read, thinking that we have finished our education. But its not good. Why because, there are two portions of the body. One above neck and the other below neck. Everyone is feeding the part below neck. Three times a day with food. But what about the portion above the neck, the brain. Did you ever thought of that. Then, how it going to be programmed postively. To program it, how does it gets positive ? Because negative is automatic, why because in a bare land you dont need to sow weeds to yield it. Likewise our brain also gets negative automatically through papers, other people talk, workplace, friends etc.

So friends do cultivate the habit of speaking positively. Because the first person going to hear what you say is none other than you. Words coming out of your mouth will be heard by your ears and your sub-conscious mind will get programmed accordingly. Then how do we make it to a positive. The best source available is reading PMA books. It will be difficult at the start. Start by reading a page daily with full involvement and understanding. Then as days goes by you will be reading for hours. It gives you lot of benefits like the way you speak, way you behave, how to handle tough situations, your self-image will be high and many more.

For example you can take any person, Mr.Abdul Kalam. What gift will you be giving to him. Probably a book. So by reading you get amazing wisdom. Wisdom is different from Knowledge. By saying in words you cant feel anything. You have to feel from within. To feel that you have to read positive attitude books. If you do really want to read any PMA books, do mail/call me. Will help you out.

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