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Monday, August 31, 2009

Keep It Simple

I think most of you would know what is meant by “Keep It Simple”. You may wonder why this guy is talking about. But everyone has to know the art of keeping it simple. To explain this more clearly, let me explain with an example.

In school there was teacher who is in-charge for motivating the students to perform their day-to-day tasks. He thought of explaining the concept ‘Keep It Simple’ for that he used an mathematic example. He asked the whole group of students(60) what is 1 +1 ? Everyone came with an answer(2 immediately(less than 2sec). Then he asked what 1+1+2+3+4 ? Everyone came with an answer(11) but not the same time as they took previously. Also not all 60 said, only 75% came with an answer. He kept on asking simple addition. Atlast he asked the students what is 1+2.75+3.75+5.82+9+15 ? The students were not able to answer that much fast. Also not every students were able to answer. The answering % came down to 10%.

From this you can infer, if you keep it simple all 60 out of 60(like 1+1 addition prob) will be able to grasp & understand what you are trying to say. If you complicate in what you are trying to say, your message will not be communicated 100% properly. Probably only 6/7 will understand out of 60.

So always try to make the habit of ‘KEEPING IT SIMPLE’. It will be very useful.

Note: This great thought was taught to me by another wisdom man who I adore very much.

Who You Are

You have extraordinary potential. You could not use all of your talents and abilities if you had 100 lifetimes. Whatever you have accomplished in your life so far is only a shadow of what is truly possible for you in the months and years ahead.

You are an amazingly complex individual. You have within you, right now, the ability to accomplish more than you ever dreamed possible. But all this experience and wisdom is of no value to you if you do not sit down and think about what you have learned, and how you can apply it to your future.

It is said that the average person uses only 10% of their potential. The actual number is closer to 2%. This is because people get into comfort zones, automatic routines which they repeat day after day, seldom challenging their own thinking or behaviors.

But this is not for you. Your goal is to “Be all you can be.” Your goal is to use more and more of your potential moving forward. They way you do this is by asking yourself focused questions that help you to develop absolute clarity about who you are and where you are going.

Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living?”

Source: Brian Tracy books & readings

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Fitness Formula

I have learned quite simple but powerful lessons on health that really works. Try to read the most interesting book titled, ” What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Food Supplements Might Be Killing You.”, by Ray D.Strand M.D. Specialist in Nutritional Medicine

Its the Bible on Health. The author Ray Strand, MD, has given three simple but powerful suggestions as follows:

Daily Exercise
Positive Attitude
Have Lots of Food Supplements
The fitness formula E.A.R.N., will explain this in a better way.

E- stands for exercise. Without exercise no one can maintain good health.
A-stands for attitude- that is positive attitude. If you are jogging and thinking negative it will not help you in fitness. Always think positive.
R- stands for relaxation. One should have at least 6 to7 hours of sound sleep.
N -stands for Nutrition. Even if we eat 2 square meals a day we do not get required nutrition in our body. If you get, then why you fall sick ?

The greatest defense against chronic degenerative diseases is our own body—NOT the drugs I can prescribe. Common sense tells us we need a strong and healthy immune system, natural antioxidant defense system, along with our natural repair system to protect our health.

I have come to realize that nutritional supplementation is the absolute best way to optimize our natural defense systems. This is not in opposition to traditional medicine and all of our pharmaceutical and surgical advances. This is not alternative medicine. This is mainstream medicine. Nutritional supplementation is about health—not disease.

This book presents the strong medical evidence that shows that there are significant health benefits for those who choose to consume high-quality, complete and balanced nutritional supplements. Nutritional supplements added to a healthy diet and a modest consistent exercise program has been shown to give us our best chance of protecting our health or regaining our health if we have already lost it.

Do u hve a goal for ur life ?

Imagine arriving on the outskirts of a large city and being told to drive to a particular
home or office in that city. But here’s the catch. There are no road signs and you have no map of the city. In fact, all you are given is a very general description of the home or office that is your goal. Here is the question: How long do you think it would take you to find a home or office in a city without a road map or without road signs?

The answer is: Probably your whole life. If you ever did find the home or office, it would be very much a matter of luck. And sadly enough, this is the way most people live their lives.

The average person starts life traveling through an unmapped and uncharted world with no road map. This is the equivalent of starting off in life with no goals and plans. He or she simply figures things out as he or she goes along. Often, ten or twenty years of work will go past and the individual is still broke, unhappy in his or her job, dissatisfied with his or her marriage and making little progress. And still, he or she goes home every night and watches television, wishing and hoping that things would get better. But they seldom do. Not by themselves.

Do you have crystal clear goals for ur life ? If you do, have you taken the action ?

It doesn’t matter where you’re coming from; all that matters is where you’re going. Do you know where you are going in ur life ?

Monday, August 10, 2009


In a place, there is a guy called Mr.Prayer. Daily he used to offer poojas, flowers and many other things to the Lord Brahma. He was sincere in doing 3 times a day, 7 times a week. Do you know for what purpose he was doing, he needs 1Crore rupees of money in bumper prize through lottery. We all would have read ramayana or some devotional stories where asuras used to pray for years and years in forest for getting wishes from the Lord. In the same way Mr.Prayer was so vigorous in his doings and he does the same thing, Lord Brahma I need bumper prize of 1C.

Lord Brahma came to knew about this guy, and thought to test his sincerity, persistence. Months after months gone still he does the offerings to him. So Lord Brahma thought that I should wish him the wish he asked for (i.e. 1C Rupees). So he granted him the wish of 1C Rupees for whichever lottery ticket he is going to buy. With which he can live happily and help others as well. Once he gave the wish he left the place to perform his duties of creation (see even GOD to has his duties).

Three months passed by, a sudden thought of Mr.Prayer came to his mind. Brahma is eager to know how this guy is living now. So he went in disguise to check him. When he went there, he saw still performing the poojas, flowers etc. Brahma got confused I wished him the wish but still he is living a mediocre life. He then turned to his original way and appeared before Mr.Prayer. Mr.Prayer is happy on seeing Brahma. At that time Mr.Prayer asked for 1C Rupees. For which Brahma said, I already granted you the wish you asked for.

But Mr.Prayer didnt start from his home and go out to the shop to get the lottery ticket. Anyway whichever ticket he is going to buy, he gonna get bumper prize. But you have to go and get the ticket right. To relate with real world, many are alike Mr.Prayer. If you has the same kind of laziness very sorry for that. Think OFF are you like Mr.Prayer ? Who ask for everything but dont even take a single step to get those things they ask or long for. Let me say, Eventhough GOD wishes you, you have to go, reach and get it. It wont come to you automatically.

Play now, Pay Later or Pay now Play Later.

As said above you need to pay the price for your life. To explain about the above saying,

let me say with an example.

There is a village where the people were not happy with their lives. There were repeated worries and sorrows in their life. What they thought is, lets go and ask for the priest about what needs to be done so that the village ppl can live happily. They went and met the priest.Priest said, a special function(Kumbhabhisekham) needs to conducted for the Almighty.

So, everyone thought of making a new statue for the big event. They were searching for rocks to carve out and make a statue of that. Atlast they found out there were only 2 rocks in the village. They went and approached each of the rocks.

First they approached rock1 and said that we need ur help. We will drill you, beat you and mould you as a statue. Once the statue is formed you will be benefitted in many ways(like offering special poojas, watering with holy water, offerring flowers etc). But the Rock1 says no am not interested in going through those pain of drilling and beating also am very happy what i am doing right now. Whereas the rock2 thought for the long-term benefits & so agreed.

Village ppl thanked rock2 and they used for building statue. Initially it was tough times for rock2 but it withstood all the pressures exerted on him. Its main focus was on the long-term benefits. Once the statue has been made, rock2 appears so beautiful. It was given a special treatment in the temple. It was decorated with garlands and kept in the temple for performing poojas for it. Once the temple is ready for the special function, village ppl thought for breaking cocconuts in the temple they were looking for the rock. Only option they had was the left out one rock1. They kept at the entrance of the door.

Everyone passesby will smash the cocconut on it and goes inside. Rock1 thought by mistake they smashed cocconut on him, later only it got realised its purpose was to get hit by those cocconuts for life time and suffer from the hits whereas the rock2 went through tough phases but it is enjoying the benefits and is cool and calm out there.

To relate in real terms, What would you like to do. Paying it Initially like rock2 or like rock1 for life you would like to pay and suffer. The decision is yours, you have to take the choice.

Any way you have to pay the price for your life, Period.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Does anyone knows what is the expansion for books ? Can you think for a sec. Here it is,

Best Of Others Knowledge

Previously I dont know what is the full form of the BOOK. If anyone asks me I would say just books. This beautiful definition was said to me by another person who has great wisdom and humble in nature. Actually I dont have the habit of reading books, not even a single page. You may ask you would have read in schools & colleges. Yes I did, but not with passion. Its because of him I started reading books with passion & great interest. Do you know, he has worth books of Rs.5Lac. I am not saying each and everyone should have that much. But we can get for free or for small pennies from the second-hand book shop or libraries.

As the expansion says you can get the amazing knowledge from others through books. For an example, If anyone would have watched tamil movie “Muthalvan” you can relate to this. In the climax scene, the great villain Raguvaran will be saying to Action hero Arjun, am in politics for 30yrs. I know what it is all about. I know the nuts & bolts of it. After hearing this, Arjun will say if you know it for 30yrs, during this one month I was with you, so am now 30yrs 1month experienced than you. Immediately he will take the gun & shoot himself in his shoulder & throw the gun towards him. Then the security guards will kill him.

Relate it to here(take on a positive note, no evil thing), the books not only gives you knowledge but also the experience of other people. Because they have got hit & hurted & then only they suceeded. They would have faced so many difficult circumstances in their journey of life. So we can use their experience to the fullest & work accordingly.

So friends those who dont have the habit of reading, start cultivate the habit of reading. As it gives you an amazing wisdom. Those who has, I appreciate you, continue doing as well as promote to others.

Once again am Thanking God for giving me the habit of reading & made me to meet such a Wisdom & Humble Person in my life.

Note: I mention only good books not the other ones.

Wellness Revolution

Hi, I want to ask you one question. Each and everyone are spending so much hefty amounts in trendy apparels, mobiles, watches, eletronic gadgets & many more. Have you ever spent for your well-being, atleast whether you have think about that.

Each and every one when attains the age of 21 are moving forward to the working environment. Every day there will be physical as wll as mental stress, but have you ever thought of that. During our fore-fathers period they lived upto 80-90yrs without any disease but now its been reduced to 50-60yrs. Its mainly because of the food habits.

Right from the age of 21 to say around 45yrs everyone will work and save money by not eating properly, lack of sleep, tension, no fun or enjoyment. After 45yrs they will spend the amount they saved for their health. Then what is the use of saving(am not against savings, its good). Just think Off where your spending the saved money. So give prime importance to your health only then you can do the work without stress.

Today @ the age of 35 everyone is getting high pressure, cholestrol, mild heart-attack, diabetes and many more. Do you think its because of virus or bacteria, no you are wrong. Its mainly due to our food habits. Take proper diet and do regular exercise(for eg. taking steps instead of lift). Of course work is important, but to do that work you need to have sound health which you can get only by eating proper nutritious food.

Today most are skipping their break-fast especially ladies. Its wrong. You have to take compulsorily. Because from the word Break-fast, you can understand we are breaking the fasting. Previous night we would have had dinner @ 8 or 9pm. After 9pm till next day morning 8′o clock there is a huge gap of almost 10-11 hrs. If you skip the break-fast gap will increase furthur leading to exhaustion, low energy levels, lack of concentration etc.

We all buy expensive products but when it comes to buying some good & high quality nutritious products you are worrying about its cost. What makes you think like that ? Is your health and body so cheap than any other materialistic things in this world. So just make a point, spending for your wellness is not at all an expense. Also remember the famous saying “Only when the wall is there, sculptor can do the Art”.

Busy Bees.. Be careful before U say !!!

One day friend of mine came to my home and gave me a book. He asked me to read it and he said, he will collect the book two days later. Once he left, I just kept the book somewhere and didnt even had a look of it.

Two days later he came to my home to collect the book and asked me, how is the book and what did you like about it. I cant say, this one is good that is bad because I didnt read it. If I say also I would get caught cause he would have definitely read that book. Puzzled what to say, I was thinking in mind then I said I was quite busy with my work.

Actually I am not busy. Those two days I was playing cricket in the morning, went to movie and small chat with my other circle of friends. But I lied to him, “I am busy”. He was generous and humble that he didnt say anthing about that and asked me to return the book.

When I returned the book, he asked me to read just one line from that book. Do you know what line it is ? “Only dead bodies will say I have no time and I am busy”. When I read that line, I was guilty with myself and felt like being slapped by him.

Then he continued to say, “Top business man like TATA & Ambani and many more are doing multiple business. When they have time to do that, Where are we ? What we are doing ?” I myself doing only a single job and saying we are busy”. He then said, “Today how many are reaching their office by 9 and if they reach @ 9 how many are start doing the work immediately”

He then questioned me, “Do you want only the petty things(like movie, IPL or chat) in life or want to achieve your dreams. If you really want to achieve your dreams what step you have taken to achieve it. He then narrated a simple example, a caterpillar can become a butterfly only after more fight to break its own coccoon. Otherwise it wont be able to fly”. Same like that we have to face challenges and over come it.

From that moment, I gave priority to time to do something important. Also stopped saying “I am busy, no time”. If any work has to be done by me, I will try my best to do that rather than saying it.

Note: This is my personal experience and I am in no way offending anyone who read this. Just give a thought and think about what you are doing right now. Thanks to CH1Blogs for helping me to share this info.

Build FAITH scrap off FEAR

Faith and fear has the same meaning but has different sense. Faith is positive and fear is negative. Let me say how it differs.

Faith is nothing but which we believe thats going to happen in the future whereas fear is also the same belief which we think thats going to happen. One is positive other is negative.

Anyway we dont know what is going to happen in the future, then why do worrry about and be a pessimist. Why not practice Faith rather than fear.

Faith is a positive note which instills confidence and makes us CAN do it, but fear will slowly eats up our self-image and make us feel we are not worth enough.

So everybody start believe in you, whatever you are doing and build Faith.

Power of Positive Mental Attitude Books

Do you wonder what it means PMA, its nothing but Positive Mental Attitude. Out of 100 only 5 to 10 people has the habbit of reading. Among 10 may be 1 or 2 has the habbit of read positive attitude books. Its important that each and every individual should read books. There is a reason for that. Let me explain.

A person once finishes college and enters job thinks that there is no more to read, thinking that we have finished our education. But its not good. Why because, there are two portions of the body. One above neck and the other below neck. Everyone is feeding the part below neck. Three times a day with food. But what about the portion above the neck, the brain. Did you ever thought of that. Then, how it going to be programmed postively. To program it, how does it gets positive ? Because negative is automatic, why because in a bare land you dont need to sow weeds to yield it. Likewise our brain also gets negative automatically through papers, other people talk, workplace, friends etc.

So friends do cultivate the habit of speaking positively. Because the first person going to hear what you say is none other than you. Words coming out of your mouth will be heard by your ears and your sub-conscious mind will get programmed accordingly. Then how do we make it to a positive. The best source available is reading PMA books. It will be difficult at the start. Start by reading a page daily with full involvement and understanding. Then as days goes by you will be reading for hours. It gives you lot of benefits like the way you speak, way you behave, how to handle tough situations, your self-image will be high and many more.

For example you can take any person, Mr.Abdul Kalam. What gift will you be giving to him. Probably a book. So by reading you get amazing wisdom. Wisdom is different from Knowledge. By saying in words you cant feel anything. You have to feel from within. To feel that you have to read positive attitude books. If you do really want to read any PMA books, do mail/call me. Will help you out.

Secret of Success

A young man asked Socrates the secret of Success. Socrates told the young man to meet him near the river the next morning. They met.

Socrates asked the young man to walk with him towards the river.

When the water got up to their neck, Socrates took the young man by surprise and ducked him into the water. The man struggled to get out but Socrates was strong and kept him there until he started turning blue.

The young man struggled hard and finally managed to get out and the first thing he did was to gasp and take deep breath. Socrates asked 'What you wanted the most when you were there?' The man replied 'Air'.

Socrates said 'that's the most secret to success. When you want success as badly as you wanted air, you will get it. There is no other secret'.