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Monday, August 31, 2009

Keep It Simple

I think most of you would know what is meant by “Keep It Simple”. You may wonder why this guy is talking about. But everyone has to know the art of keeping it simple. To explain this more clearly, let me explain with an example.

In school there was teacher who is in-charge for motivating the students to perform their day-to-day tasks. He thought of explaining the concept ‘Keep It Simple’ for that he used an mathematic example. He asked the whole group of students(60) what is 1 +1 ? Everyone came with an answer(2 immediately(less than 2sec). Then he asked what 1+1+2+3+4 ? Everyone came with an answer(11) but not the same time as they took previously. Also not all 60 said, only 75% came with an answer. He kept on asking simple addition. Atlast he asked the students what is 1+2.75+3.75+5.82+9+15 ? The students were not able to answer that much fast. Also not every students were able to answer. The answering % came down to 10%.

From this you can infer, if you keep it simple all 60 out of 60(like 1+1 addition prob) will be able to grasp & understand what you are trying to say. If you complicate in what you are trying to say, your message will not be communicated 100% properly. Probably only 6/7 will understand out of 60.

So always try to make the habit of ‘KEEPING IT SIMPLE’. It will be very useful.

Note: This great thought was taught to me by another wisdom man who I adore very much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice one. I like your post. Thank you for sharing.

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